The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

ELI Delivery Consortium

On Friday 16th April Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports hosted the Kick-off meeting of ELI Delivery Consortium.

Prof. Vlastimil Růžička, Vice Minister of Education, Youth and Sports and plenipotentiary for the ELI project in the Czech Republic, Dr. Tivadár Lippényi, CEO of public company ELI-HU and plenipotentiary of Hungarian government for the ELI project, prof. Victor Zamfir, coordinator and plenipotentiary of Romanian government for the ELI project, prof. Wolfgang Sandner, director of LaserLab Europe project and director of German Physical Society and representatives of Institute of Physics as guarantor of the Czech part of the ELI project participated at the meeting.

Memorandum of Understanding about building and operation of international ELI infrastructure was signed by the representatives of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. Different parts of the infrastructure will be built in these three countries. It is expected that more countries will join the Memorandum and their experts will participate at ELI project realization.

Organizational structure of the ELI Delivery Consortium was further discussed and approved at the meeting and immediate steps for coordination of preparation and realization of the Czech, Hungarian and Romanian parts were set.