The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

1st ELIps User Workshop

1st ELIps User Workshop. October 10-12, 2016.  Dolní Břežany & Brno, Czech Republic

The first ELIps user workshop is bringing together the future users of the Pump-probe VUV Magneto-optical ellipsometry (ELIps) End-station of ELI-Beamlines. The Czech and international ellipsometry community will share ideas about the first samples that are going to be studied at the ELIps. This end-station is part of the program of Material Science Applications for the ELI-Beamlines lasers. It is an innovative project that plans to integrate the most advanced ellipsometry techniques into one instrument. The workshop is a joined effort between ELI-Beamlines, the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Science, the Central European Institute of Technology, CEITEC Masaryk University in Brno.

International Participants

Stefan Zollner, New Mexico State University. USA

Michael Rübhausen, Center for Free Electron Laser Science. Germany

Martin Feneberg, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg. Germany

Maciej Neumann, Leibniz-Institut für Analytische. Germany

Rüdiger Schmidt-Grund, Leipzig University. Germany

Steffen Richter, Leipzig University. Germany

Oliver Herrfurth, Leipzig University. Germany

Organizing Committee

Shirly Espinoza, ELI Beamlines

Romana Kočová, ELI Beamlines

Filip Münz, CEITEC Masaryk University

Josef Humlíček,  CEITEC Masaryk University

Jakob Andreasson, ELI Beamlines