The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

LEAK Workshop

The recent demonstration of laser wakefield acceleration with mJ laser pulses is a potential breakthrough in the field of particle acceleration. With this technique, sub-ps, few MeV electron beams can be produced at kHz repetition rate by a compact and cost-effective device. Such source can have a huge scientific impact in different fields of science, by allowing small scale laboratories to have their own source of high brilliance electron beams. These beams can be used, for example, to perform electron diffraction or pulse radiolysis experiments, as well as for hard x-ray generation.

The LEAK workshop, co-organized by ELI-Beamlines (Prague, CZ) and LOA (Paris, FR), will cover different aspects related to mJ laser wakefield acceleration:

  • Physical and technical aspects of laser wakefield acceleration at kHz
  • Potential applications and electron beam requirements for their realization
  • kHz fs-laser technology

The goal of the workshop is to identify a roadmap for kHz laser electron acceleration and the required laser technology.