The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Final conference of RI2integrate project in Budapest on the 3rd September 2019

RI2integrate project was mostly focused on economic influence of research infrastructures on the regional development. The joint secretary representatives presented on the final event together with Hungarian R&D ministry representatives.

Institute of Physics, CAS (IOP) presented the outputs of two pilot actions involved: public procurement of Innovation (PPI) and public engagement. PPI is the legal and political tool for spreading innovative solutions and products on the market and public services. The tool was tested in 4 national pilot actions in Czechia, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia throughout the project. in different sectors.

IOP was engaged also in the activities for general public like open days and other experimental workshops for general public and science popularization, hundreds of visitors were participating those events. The interactive programme, unique technologies at the centres and examples of experiments were mostly appreciated.

IOP got the important feedback from local community and general public during the RI2integrate project. The feedback would be utilized in popularization and also economic strategic development of the infrastructure.