The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Biochemical and Chemical Labs

Regular user operations are supported by two small laboratory rooms oriented at work with “wet” samples, the Biochemical laboratory (BioChemLab, LB.1.05) and the Chemical laboratory (ChemLab, LB.1.12). The labs support manipulation and basic sample preparation and characterization for the molecular and biological research applications at ELI Beamlines.

The two labs contain the following equipment:

  • Controlled environment chambers:
    • chemical fume hood (width: 150 cm)
    • hazardous chemical storage cabinets (corrosives, flammables, toxics)
    • biological safety cabinet/box (width: 120 cm)
    • inert gas glove-box (acrylic, w: 85 cm) with transfer chamber (30 cm)
    • combined refrigerator-freezer (+4°C/-18°C), deep freezer (-85°C)
    • heating water bath shaker (28 liter, temp.: from ambient up to 99 °C)
    • ultrasonic bath (heated, 3 liters capacity)
    • forced convection drying oven (up to +250°C)
  • Tools and consumables:
    • small unit for purified deionized water (type I, 18.2 MΩ.cm)
    • magnetic stirring hot plates (up to 550°C), shakers, and a vortexer
    • pipettors
    • centrifuges (small: 15000 rpm, large: 4200 rpm)
    • glassware, plasticware
    • storage of chemicals (acids, bases, buffer salts, organic solvents)
  • Instruments:
    • analytical balance (+/- 0.01 mg), precision balances (+/- 10 mg)
    • UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer (190-1100 nm) for liquid cells
    • compact fiber spectro-fluorimeter with LED excitation sources
    • optical stereomicroscope (8x – 80x magnification) with a digital camera
    • pH/ORP/mV-meter and conductometer

Since working in the bio+chemical labs entails potential contact with various safety hazards, to get permission for independent access and work in the labs, an approximately 1,5 hour on-site training needs to be performed.