The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Fast Track Access for Coronavirus-related Research at ELI Beamlines

Issue Date 13.03.2020
Closing Date 31.12.2020
Status closed

To support the investigation of the COVID-19 virus characteristics and the development of possible vaccine and treatments ELI Beamlines offers rapid access to the experimental cluster for advanced ultrafast optical spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction for research related to SARS-CoV-2.

More information about the ELI Beamlines Scientific cluster for advanced ultrafast optical spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction can be found HERE.

Proposals and experiments will be supported by Research Programme 4 for Applications in Molecular, Bio-medical and Material Science, together with the ELIBIO Project teams.

Information on available support (bio and bio-chemical) labs is available here.

Please use the application form to describe the planned experiment.

At ELI Beamlines we have experiences also working with samples delivered for experiments, but without the user being present at the facility. This more of operation can also be used for experiments performed within the present COVID-19 call.

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