The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Visa regulation and documentation

Visa regulation and documentation

Invitation letter for visa purposes can be requested together with the submission of information about the experimental team.

Please check the entry requirements for Czech Republic for nationals of your country before coming to ELI Beamlines.

EU nationals do not require a visa.

In general, all other foreign nationals require visas for stays in the Czech Republic.

The application is submitted in the State of which the applicant is a citizen or has a residence permit.

You need letter of invitation for this application. The user office needs the following information for preparing of the letter of invitation:

  • Complete name (as shown in your passport)
  • Date of birth
  • Passport number
  • Duration of stay
  • Name of institute and full institute address


More information about visa regulation

Schengen (short-stay) visa

A short-term stay (or a short stay) is a stay for a maximum of 90 days during any 180-day period, which entails considering the 180-day period preceding each day of stay (Note: the duration of stay is determined by the entry and exit stamps indicated in the respective travel document at the border crossing point).

The short-term stay is regulated by other conditions of the issued visa, i.e. the number of entries (a visa for one, two or multiple entries), territorial validity (a visa valid for the entire Schengen Area or a visa with limited territorial validity for selected Member States), as well as the period of the visa’s validity and the duration of permitted stay for which a consulate has issued the visa depending on the intended stay.

The application must be submitted to a locally competent embassy.

Visa Application Requirements:

  • application form
  • travel document
  • photo
  • biometric features – fingerprints
  • fee
  • supporting documents proving
    • purpose of journey(for example school acceptance letter, hosting agreement etc.)
    • accommodation (for example confirmation of school or scientific institution on providing accommodation, reservation etc.)
    • financial means (for example bank statement, confirmation of stipend/grant etc.)
    • intention to leave the territory of the Czech Republic / Schengen Areabefore the visa expiry (for example air plane/bus ticket reservation, proof of financial means for the return trip, employment confirmation, real estate ownership confirmation, family relations confirmation etc.)
  • travel health insurance

The application can be submitted three months before the trip. The maximum deadline for processing the application is 15 days.

Long-term visa

Long-term visas and long-term residence permits entitle them to enter and stay in the Czech Republic for more than 90 days. At the same time, they entitle them to short-term stay (up to 90 days) in other Schengen countries for non-profit purposes.



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