The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

ELI Beamlines Call: User-assisted commissioning call for the P3 infrastructure at ELI-Beamlines, November 2022 – February 2023

Issue Date 04.10.2022
Closing Date 05.11.2022
Status closed

The ELI Beamlines user facility invites the scientific community to submit proposals for commissioning experiments in its E3 Experimental Hall, which serves experiments in the context of high-power laser-matter interaction.

The commissioning experiments of the new P3 – Plasma Physics platform are expected to place between November 2022 and February 2023.

The aim of the call is:

  • to make use of available experimental configurations, targetry and diagnostic setups to initiate the first high-level user experiments
  • to implicate the potential user community to participate in future upgrades and to help define scientific directions for the infrastructure and identify additional necessary diagnostic systems
  • to initiate the process of building a user community around the P3 infrastructure
  • to provide expert advice and training to scientific & engineering staff, administrative support staff (user office) and support teams to optimize user operation for the future

Full text of the call: P3_user_call_2022

Proposals are accepted from around the world, and are evaluated by an international panel of experts and accepted based on scientific merit. Proposers are invited to contact the User Office with technical questions:

Please use the application form to describe the planned experiment.

We look forward to receiving your proposals!


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