The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

2020 EARLY EXPERIMENTS in AMO science, ultrafast optical spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction

Issue Date 17.06.2020
Closing Date 31.10.2020
Status closed

2020 EARLY EXPERIMENTS in AMO science, ultrafast optical spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction

The ELI Beamlines Facility ( invites the scientific community to submit proposals for early experiments using instruments in the E1 Experimental Hall and supporting laboratories for Applications in Molecular, Biomedical and Materials Sciences. Experiments are expected to be scheduled from early September 2020 (in some cases it may be possible to schedule experiments before this time, this will be evaluated in a case to case basis).

List of instruments available 2020 early user experiments

  • MAC: Multi purpose end station for AMO science and Coherent Diffractive imaging available as an end station to the ELI Beamlines HHG source. Detailed information: MAC_2020
  • Femtosecond optical spectroscopy:
    – Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Scattering and transient optical absorption. Detailed information: FSRS and TA_2020
    – Time resolved spectroscopic ellipsometry. WEBSITE with the information in the document.Detailed information: ELIps_2020
    – IR spectroscopy. Detailed information: IR_2020
  • TREX: Station for X-ray experiments, in particular diffraction and scattering. Detailed information: TREX_2020

Introductory information about the HHG source and lasers available for the call can be found in the documents: ELI BL_Call 1_L1_ELI BL_Call 1_HHG and ELI BL_Call 1_lasers

The aims of the call are

  • to perform high-level user experiments, using the capabilities already in operation in the E1 experimental hall and its supporting laboratories.
  • to further develop the abilities of the ELI Beamlines scientific staff, user office personnel and support teams to perform efficient user operations.

Applicants must be aware and accept that the ELI Beamlines is in a „ramp-up mode“ during the time of the early experiments and this may affect the performance and availability of the individual instruments.

Application submission Deadline:

Continuous. Expected time from submission to decision is < 4 weeks

ELI Beamlines experimental hall E1.

Application procedure and admittance

Please use the application form to describe the planned experiment.

All applications will be processed by the user administration at ELI Beamlines Following an initial assessment for technical and safety feasibility applications will be externally reviewed. Applications reviewed favourably are then scheduled. Results from the technical and safety assessments and the external review will be communicated to the applicants by the ELI Beamlines user office.

Each scheduled experiment will be assigned a suitable researcher of the ELI Beamlines’ team to be the main point of contact for the experiment. The main point of contact will be responsible for communications with the users before, during and after the experiment, including aspects related to bringing user equipment to ELI Beamlines. Beam time of about 1-2 weeks will be allocated per experiment. Shorter and longer experiments will also be considered.

Before gaining access to the premises of ELI Beamlines, users must complete relevant trainings (e.g. general safety, laser safety training). This will be provided by the ELI Beamlines safety team either as on-line training or on-site training as appropriate. A list all relevant safety trainings can be found here.

Useful general information about the ELI Beamlines facility can be found in the ELI Beamlines User-guide.

User-supplied instrumentation and equipment

In Early User Operation, the use of own instrumentation or equipment in the experiments is not encouraged for feasibility and integration reasons. Nevertheless, it can sometimes be necessary. If you are planning to include in your proposal user-supplied instrumentation or equipment, please contact the relevant scientific instrument team well before proposal submission in order to verify feasibility. Rules for user-supplied instrumentation and equipment can be found here.

Information on available support (bio and bio-chemical) labs is available here.

For detailed information: Data-policy and User-publication-policy_2020


Instruments available for the call:
FSRS and TA_2020

Lasers and light sources:
ELI BL_Call 1_HHG   
ELI BL_Call 1_L1
ELI BL_Call 1_lasers


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